Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's think about energy and frequencies.  Energy, at is optimum, should travel freely.  The more open space there is the easier it is for energy to flow through.  In the same light if energy can flow freely than the optimal frequency should be achieved.  

I think the human body is a helix of energy - billions of energy masses emanating a certain frequency, rhythm and quality.   One other component plays a vital role:  Space.   The 'space' between energy masses are vital.  If there is not enough room the result can be a disruption of  frequency, rhythm and quality of the energy mass. 

In the human body, the more condensed energy becomes the less it performs.  Every trauma can effect the human body's spacial field.  As trauma's mount and various components of the human body compress; i.e., organs, muscles, fluids, bone, etc., this loss of space begins the shut-down of the human body.  The greater the compression the more chaos ensues.

Over time more and more pressure will generate under compression.  One could begin by having an ankle injury; which not taken care of properly can result in a hip problem; resulting with a lower back problem, etc.  Pressure and time...................(remember Shawshank Redemption)...................the human body in a compressed state is living this:  Pressure and time.

It is only a matter of time when the pressure becomes so great the system collapses.  Decompression and providing space for the components of the human body to function is vital to optimal health.

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