Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What is Alternative Therapy?

Since I can remember I have heard the phrase "alternative medicine".  This meant to me anything outisde of western medicine such as:  accupuncture, accupressure, cranial sacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, rolfing, herbalists, naturopaths, etc.

What I find interesting is how such items became classified as alternative medicine.  The logical explanation is anything outside of western medicine, i.e. not taught in a western medical institution.  So I get the bigger picture; however, I think the statement should be reversed.

To me alternative medicine is when someone has to have an operation, an organ removal/replacement, a plate or shunt installed, etc.  What can be more alternative than cutting into, removing or adding something to the human body?

The definition of alternative medicine should be anything done to the human body that alters its' natural state.  For example before one has their tonsils removed make sure the lymphatic system of the body is operating optimally; if it is not the reason may not be the tonsils yet an underlying restriction.  Address the underlying cause and the tonsils most likely will again function naturally. 

It is recognized many people do not heed the messages from the body.  In fact most people wait to long to address something.  It is only when we allow things to go to long that you may have to run (not walk) to obtain the best western medicine has to offer. 

So the next time you may need medical attention please do it timely and consider looking in areas which do not alter the natural state of the human body. 

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