Monday, August 22, 2011

Giving vs. Receiving

Every person has one side of their body which is stronger.  Generally if you are right-handed the entire right side of one's body is stronger; whereas left-handed people tend to have a stronger left side.  Lefties are interesting as they can vascillate from which side of the lower body is strongest.

The right side of the human body is known as the "giving" side; while the left is the "receiving" side.

Overuse of the right side of the human body ultimately creates unhappy 'givers'.  They will give and give and wonder why they are exhausted and life is not balanced.  Overtime heavy right siders will start having ill effects on the left side of their body due to lack of use and strength; creating issues in one's ability to receive.

"Receivors" or 'takers' are created by the overuse of the left side of the body.  Receivor's tend to take and take and seldomly give.  Generally they go through life so consumed in taking they are disconnected to the concept of giving.  Receivor's grow to not appreciate givers; but their expectation of receiving remains regardless of how they may treat a giver.  They will always blame a giver. 

Giving and receiving needs balance.  The next time you feel you give to much check in with the left side of your body.  How many times does someone hand you something and you take it with your right hand?  Start receiving everything with your left hand.  Strengthen the left side of your body and you will receive in proportion to what you give.

As for 'receivors', employ the right side of your body.  Each time you hand someone something use your right hand, stand on your right leg - reinforce the strength in the right side of your body.  By balancing the right side relationships tend to improve, selfishness diminishes and the connection to feeling joy is heightened.

The human body is one unit and under optimal conditions should have equal strength throughout.  It is when we are balanced - right and left; giving and receiving - that our bodies will provide the greatest rewards.   


  1. Thanks for all your help, you make the world a better place

  2. What a wonderful article! Thank you for your wise and creative ideas!
