Monday, August 15, 2011

It Must Be Psychological

Today once again I heard another claim about someone in a prolonged state of trauma in which traditional western medicine has not benefited them.  When all western medicine techniques and practices are exhausted and a doctor can find no explanation or test which explains one's pain why is the default "it must be psychological"?  

As a body remains in trauma, one must remember compensation is playing a role every second of every day.  The more the body compensates the greater the trauma becomes.  One could start off with a sprained ankle and left untreated or not fully corrected can create far reaching problems in the human body.  The longer trauma is present the more the body is working to relieve it.

When the human body is constantly in compensation mode trauma becomes more cumbersome.  It may take years to envelope the majority of the body but at some point the entire system will pull from head to toe.  Under such circumstances their really is not one cause but a layering effect of trauma that must be addressed.

It is a cruel end to what may have been years of obtaining services from western medicine.  Instead of saying I do not know how to help you let us place the blame on you.  What is more frustrating is the same doctor who may have treated you for years without success is now the same person telling you "it is psychological".

Trust yourself.  Do not buy into the mantra.  Keep looking until you find the right thing for you.  No one person has all the answers.  It is usually a collective group, thinking outside the box, who will aide in your recovery. 


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