Friday, August 26, 2011

The Healing Process

What is the healing process (HP)? 

When it comes to healing, I believe the body is the first things most people hear.  People can spend the majority of their lives ignoring their body, until one day.........................

When one's body starts hurting most people begin a quest to get well.  This can include seeing various doctors, alternative therapists, naturopaths, etc.  They are on a journey to get out of pain and feel good again.

As one's journey unfolds many people can begin with minor pain which can become worse.  I believe as pain becomes more and more unbearable it is our bodies way of screaming at us.  The louder the body becomes the more debilitated it is.  People who suffer for a long time can become locked in pain and believe there is little way out.

Pain relief starts with listening to your body.  What is the pain trying to tell you?  Have you ever placed your hand on the part of your body in pain, became quiet and asked your body what it is trying to tell you?  Try just may find answers you never imagined.

As the body becomes less and less restricted I believe our soul starts communicating to us.  Many questions and ponderings come from what we hear our soul saying.  Who are we?  Why did this really happen to me?  What role have I played?  The best and most reliable answers are found when the body and soul start communicating.  When this success is achieved both - body and soul - will turn to the mind.

The mind can be the most difficult part of the journey.  Patterns established since childhood play a role in healing.  If our brain remains defiant and wants to maintain control our health will diminish.  Childhood patterns were helpful when we were young; however, as adults they can be disastrous.  The body and soul will struggle with the brain to reach harmony.

Harmony is reached when the body, soul and mind (trinity) are in sync.  When asked, the trinity should produce the answers to any questions, concerns and/or observations.  This is bliss!

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