Monday, June 13, 2011

Cranial Sacral Therapy and the Telephone Pole

Cranial Sacral Therapy(CST) is a light touch, hands on therapy which focuses on bringing the craniosacral system (CSS) into balance. CSS is comprised of a tough waterproof membrane, the dura matter, which lines and compartmentalizes the skull; and lines the spinal column and the more delicate membranes: the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater.  It is inclusive of body parts that directly affect the membranes, such as the skull bones and the vertebrae.

Consider the spine and central nervous system like a telephone pole.  As you know a telephone pole has multiple lines that connect various buildings and homes.  Each vertebra has a specific location to which it is connected.  When you use a telephone there are 3 variables that can happen:  Open, Static and Closed.  An open line is when you can hear your party clearly and communication is transferred back and forth without incident.  A static line is when information is garbled and communication takes a round-about pathway ultimately reaching its destination.  A closed line is equivalent to no dial tone, which equates to restricted areas deterring communication from happening. We are concerned with static and closed signals.

The object is to remove restrictions and trauma and return all lines to "open status".


  1. Great site for healthing

  2. A static line is when information is garbled and communication takes a round-about pathway ultimately reaching its destination. A closed line is equivalent to no dial tone, which equates to restricted areas deterring communication from happening. We are concerned with static and closed signals. mypbx
