Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Symmetry of the Human Body

The simplest definition of symmetry is balanced proportions.  The most common type of symmetry is reflection; however, other types of symmetry are rotational, point, transformation, congruent, etc.  Generally the shape still has the same size, area, angles and line lengths. 

The healthiest body is based in symmetry.  The more symmetrical we are:  front to back, side to side, the better our body functions. 

As trauma's build most people's bodies become asymmetrical.  When our bodies get out of balance there are usually visible signs such as one eye closes more than the other, one leg is longer, one shoulder falls lower, our neck tilts forward, etc.  I have often heard people say one leg is longer than the other and this fascinates me.  Unless someone has lost part of their skeletal structure (bones in legs shortened, pelvic bone removed, etc.); the cause of this is usually asymmetry.  In extreme cases one's eyes could be out of balance and overtime can result in one leg being longer than the other.   When rebalancing the pelvis, eyes, etc., they are surprised to find their legs are the same length.  

Asymmetry is usually caused by fascia, muscles, tendons, etc., pulling overtime.  The more we use one side of our body the less symmetrical we become.  Many people lift weights incorrectly - they usually push from their stronger side first and catch up with the weaker side.  If this applies to you reduce the amount of weight you are lifting.  In fact reduce it to the point that your left and right side are distributing the same force.  It may take a couple of weeks to return to your previous level; but it will be easier as using both sides of your body equally generates a sense of ease to the body.

Symmetry is also about beauty.  The more symmetrical the human body is the more attractive someone is.  The next time you find someone attractive look at the overall symmetry of their body - from head to toe:  their arms tend to fall to the same length, their feet face forward, lips are balanced, nostrils are even, fingers and toes are the same length, etc.

Look in the mirror - how symmetrical are you?  In determining your symmetry or lack of you can begin healing yourself.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Healing Process

What is the healing process (HP)? 

When it comes to healing, I believe the body is the first things most people hear.  People can spend the majority of their lives ignoring their body, until one day.........................

When one's body starts hurting most people begin a quest to get well.  This can include seeing various doctors, alternative therapists, naturopaths, etc.  They are on a journey to get out of pain and feel good again.

As one's journey unfolds many people can begin with minor pain which can become worse.  I believe as pain becomes more and more unbearable it is our bodies way of screaming at us.  The louder the body becomes the more debilitated it is.  People who suffer for a long time can become locked in pain and believe there is little way out.

Pain relief starts with listening to your body.  What is the pain trying to tell you?  Have you ever placed your hand on the part of your body in pain, became quiet and asked your body what it is trying to tell you?  Try it...........you just may find answers you never imagined.

As the body becomes less and less restricted I believe our soul starts communicating to us.  Many questions and ponderings come from what we hear our soul saying.  Who are we?  Why did this really happen to me?  What role have I played?  The best and most reliable answers are found when the body and soul start communicating.  When this success is achieved both - body and soul - will turn to the mind.

The mind can be the most difficult part of the journey.  Patterns established since childhood play a role in healing.  If our brain remains defiant and wants to maintain control our health will diminish.  Childhood patterns were helpful when we were young; however, as adults they can be disastrous.  The body and soul will struggle with the brain to reach harmony.

Harmony is reached when the body, soul and mind (trinity) are in sync.  When asked, the trinity should produce the answers to any questions, concerns and/or observations.  This is bliss!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Giving vs. Receiving

Every person has one side of their body which is stronger.  Generally if you are right-handed the entire right side of one's body is stronger; whereas left-handed people tend to have a stronger left side.  Lefties are interesting as they can vascillate from which side of the lower body is strongest.

The right side of the human body is known as the "giving" side; while the left is the "receiving" side.

Overuse of the right side of the human body ultimately creates unhappy 'givers'.  They will give and give and wonder why they are exhausted and life is not balanced.  Overtime heavy right siders will start having ill effects on the left side of their body due to lack of use and strength; creating issues in one's ability to receive.

"Receivors" or 'takers' are created by the overuse of the left side of the body.  Receivor's tend to take and take and seldomly give.  Generally they go through life so consumed in taking they are disconnected to the concept of giving.  Receivor's grow to not appreciate givers; but their expectation of receiving remains regardless of how they may treat a giver.  They will always blame a giver. 

Giving and receiving needs balance.  The next time you feel you give to much check in with the left side of your body.  How many times does someone hand you something and you take it with your right hand?  Start receiving everything with your left hand.  Strengthen the left side of your body and you will receive in proportion to what you give.

As for 'receivors', employ the right side of your body.  Each time you hand someone something use your right hand, stand on your right leg - reinforce the strength in the right side of your body.  By balancing the right side relationships tend to improve, selfishness diminishes and the connection to feeling joy is heightened.

The human body is one unit and under optimal conditions should have equal strength throughout.  It is when we are balanced - right and left; giving and receiving - that our bodies will provide the greatest rewards.   

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What is Alternative Therapy?

Since I can remember I have heard the phrase "alternative medicine".  This meant to me anything outisde of western medicine such as:  accupuncture, accupressure, cranial sacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, rolfing, herbalists, naturopaths, etc.

What I find interesting is how such items became classified as alternative medicine.  The logical explanation is anything outside of western medicine, i.e. not taught in a western medical institution.  So I get the bigger picture; however, I think the statement should be reversed.

To me alternative medicine is when someone has to have an operation, an organ removal/replacement, a plate or shunt installed, etc.  What can be more alternative than cutting into, removing or adding something to the human body?

The definition of alternative medicine should be anything done to the human body that alters its' natural state.  For example before one has their tonsils removed make sure the lymphatic system of the body is operating optimally; if it is not the reason may not be the tonsils yet an underlying restriction.  Address the underlying cause and the tonsils most likely will again function naturally. 

It is recognized many people do not heed the messages from the body.  In fact most people wait to long to address something.  It is only when we allow things to go to long that you may have to run (not walk) to obtain the best western medicine has to offer. 

So the next time you may need medical attention please do it timely and consider looking in areas which do not alter the natural state of the human body. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

It Must Be Psychological

Today once again I heard another claim about someone in a prolonged state of trauma in which traditional western medicine has not benefited them.  When all western medicine techniques and practices are exhausted and a doctor can find no explanation or test which explains one's pain why is the default "it must be psychological"?  

As a body remains in trauma, one must remember compensation is playing a role every second of every day.  The more the body compensates the greater the trauma becomes.  One could start off with a sprained ankle and left untreated or not fully corrected can create far reaching problems in the human body.  The longer trauma is present the more the body is working to relieve it.

When the human body is constantly in compensation mode trauma becomes more cumbersome.  It may take years to envelope the majority of the body but at some point the entire system will pull from head to toe.  Under such circumstances their really is not one cause but a layering effect of trauma that must be addressed.

It is a cruel end to what may have been years of obtaining services from western medicine.  Instead of saying I do not know how to help you let us place the blame on you.  What is more frustrating is the same doctor who may have treated you for years without success is now the same person telling you "it is psychological".

Trust yourself.  Do not buy into the mantra.  Keep looking until you find the right thing for you.  No one person has all the answers.  It is usually a collective group, thinking outside the box, who will aide in your recovery. 


Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's think about energy and frequencies.  Energy, at is optimum, should travel freely.  The more open space there is the easier it is for energy to flow through.  In the same light if energy can flow freely than the optimal frequency should be achieved.  

I think the human body is a helix of energy - billions of energy masses emanating a certain frequency, rhythm and quality.   One other component plays a vital role:  Space.   The 'space' between energy masses are vital.  If there is not enough room the result can be a disruption of  frequency, rhythm and quality of the energy mass. 

In the human body, the more condensed energy becomes the less it performs.  Every trauma can effect the human body's spacial field.  As trauma's mount and various components of the human body compress; i.e., organs, muscles, fluids, bone, etc., this loss of space begins the shut-down of the human body.  The greater the compression the more chaos ensues.

Over time more and more pressure will generate under compression.  One could begin by having an ankle injury; which not taken care of properly can result in a hip problem; resulting with a lower back problem, etc.  Pressure and time...................(remember Shawshank Redemption)...................the human body in a compressed state is living this:  Pressure and time.

It is only a matter of time when the pressure becomes so great the system collapses.  Decompression and providing space for the components of the human body to function is vital to optimal health.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cranial Sacral Therapy and the Telephone Pole

Cranial Sacral Therapy(CST) is a light touch, hands on therapy which focuses on bringing the craniosacral system (CSS) into balance. CSS is comprised of a tough waterproof membrane, the dura matter, which lines and compartmentalizes the skull; and lines the spinal column and the more delicate membranes: the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater.  It is inclusive of body parts that directly affect the membranes, such as the skull bones and the vertebrae.

Consider the spine and central nervous system like a telephone pole.  As you know a telephone pole has multiple lines that connect various buildings and homes.  Each vertebra has a specific location to which it is connected.  When you use a telephone there are 3 variables that can happen:  Open, Static and Closed.  An open line is when you can hear your party clearly and communication is transferred back and forth without incident.  A static line is when information is garbled and communication takes a round-about pathway ultimately reaching its destination.  A closed line is equivalent to no dial tone, which equates to restricted areas deterring communication from happening. We are concerned with static and closed signals.

The object is to remove restrictions and trauma and return all lines to "open status".