Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Symmetry of the Human Body

The simplest definition of symmetry is balanced proportions.  The most common type of symmetry is reflection; however, other types of symmetry are rotational, point, transformation, congruent, etc.  Generally the shape still has the same size, area, angles and line lengths. 

The healthiest body is based in symmetry.  The more symmetrical we are:  front to back, side to side, the better our body functions. 

As trauma's build most people's bodies become asymmetrical.  When our bodies get out of balance there are usually visible signs such as one eye closes more than the other, one leg is longer, one shoulder falls lower, our neck tilts forward, etc.  I have often heard people say one leg is longer than the other and this fascinates me.  Unless someone has lost part of their skeletal structure (bones in legs shortened, pelvic bone removed, etc.); the cause of this is usually asymmetry.  In extreme cases one's eyes could be out of balance and overtime can result in one leg being longer than the other.   When rebalancing the pelvis, eyes, etc., they are surprised to find their legs are the same length.  

Asymmetry is usually caused by fascia, muscles, tendons, etc., pulling overtime.  The more we use one side of our body the less symmetrical we become.  Many people lift weights incorrectly - they usually push from their stronger side first and catch up with the weaker side.  If this applies to you reduce the amount of weight you are lifting.  In fact reduce it to the point that your left and right side are distributing the same force.  It may take a couple of weeks to return to your previous level; but it will be easier as using both sides of your body equally generates a sense of ease to the body.

Symmetry is also about beauty.  The more symmetrical the human body is the more attractive someone is.  The next time you find someone attractive look at the overall symmetry of their body - from head to toe:  their arms tend to fall to the same length, their feet face forward, lips are balanced, nostrils are even, fingers and toes are the same length, etc.

Look in the mirror - how symmetrical are you?  In determining your symmetry or lack of you can begin healing yourself.